Aumdoc's Lotus Healing is located in HARMONY LEARNING CENTER in Decatur, GA
Harmony Learning Center is a wonderful Yoga Facility, check their website here.
HARMONY LEARNING CENTER is located in the Williamsburg Professional Building,
1989 N. Williamsburg Drive, Suite F, Decatur, GA 30033.
Harmony is located off Clairmont Road just south of the North Druid Hills Road intersection, and is located behind the Golden Buddha Chinese Restaurant.
Harmony Learning Center sign by parking lot and front door of building.
ENTER SUITE F AND GO DOWN THE STAIRS to enter Harmony Learning Center.
At bottom of stairs Aumdoc's Lotus Healing is to your left, follow hall way to end.
At bottom of stairs Bamboo Room is to your right, where Aumdoc's teaching and Circles of Healing are held.
Traveling South on 85, take the Clairmont Road exit and turn left on Clairmont Road, travel about 2 miles to the intersection of Clairmont and North Druid Hills Road. Proceed through the intersection to the first red light, McConnell Street, turn left and take the very next left into Williamsburg Professional Center. Drive past the first two sets of building and turn right into the next parking lot. You will see the Harmony banner above the door, enter and proceed down the stairs.
Traveling North on I-85 take the North Druid Hills exit and stay in the right lane. Turn right onto North Druid Hills Road and proceed for about 2 miles. At the intersection of Clairmont Road and North Druid Hills Road turn right onto Clairmont. Travel to the first red light and take a left and then an immediate left into the Williamsburg Professional Center. Drive past the first two sets of buidlings and turn right into the next parking lot. The number of the building is 1989. You will see the Harmony Learning Center banner over the door, enter and proceed down the stairs.
