Welcome to the website of Richard J. Clofine, D.O.
Herein you will find information about my current, and past, activities.
Both of my medical practices,
Lotus GynEcology, and at Millennium Healthcare,
are now closed (as of June 2011).
* CONTACT ME HERE: Aumdoc@Aumdoc.com *
AUMDOC (Richard J. Clofine, D.O.) is pleased to announce his next adventure...
Aumdoc's Lotus Inspirations
Which is the container for my ongoing work, play and livelihood.
I am currently revising this site to reflect my new ventures.
Stay tuned for lots of new content!
Included here are examples of talks, seminars and workshops offered to your group or organization.
Here your will find past articles I have written and my new ongoing blog.
Retired from medicine, I now have the time to create! Take a look at my "RATTLEHEAD" personal medicine rattles, which are my favorite current creations. In the near future you will also see smudge wands, walking sticks, bucksking flute & rattle bags, wood altar shelves, pen & ink and paintings. Contact me if you are interested in items made to your personal specifications.
My interest is creating personal ceremony that deeply resonate with the individuals involved. These are eclectic spiritual spaces to serve as a container for your celebration of life passages. My experience includes weddings, newborn water blessings, memorial services and other rites of passage. I have completed a series of 50 consecutive full moon fires and am currently in procession toward the completion of 49 healing circles.

Other Aumdoc Information
Medicine Pages
I am a Medicine Man. My 22 year practice of medicine in Georgia included 20 years as a board certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology (A.C.O.O.G.) and 10 years board certified in Integrative & Holistic Medicine (A.B.I.H.M.). As an Osteopathic Physician (D.O.) I have integrated Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (hands on bodywork) into my healing work throughout my career. In 2002 I stopped hospital medicine (surgery and delivering babies) and spent my last 10 years as an office based Holistic Physician.
Ritual and Ceremony
My interest in ritual and ceremony spans 35 years, it is an important part of my life.
This includes meditation and chanting (Aum), a series of 60 Full Moon Fires, performing Weddings and other Rites of Passage and Blessing Ceremonies (such as birth and water blessings, medicine wheels for home and business, life transition ceremonies). Aumdoc is currently training by facilitating HEALING CIRCLES.
Teaching and Curriculum Vitae's
Here are examples of my past teaching experience
Temple of Health Radio Show
I had the pleasure of co-hosting Millennium Healthcare's weekly radio show, Temple of Health.
This show broughy conversations with national and international experts on the cutting edge of healing. The topics covered include Holistic Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Spirituality and the interface between spirituality and healing (i.e. Spiritual Medicine). My co-hosts are Dr. Susan Kolb and Dr. Linda Rayner. Here is information on the show and an archive of some of my favorite shows (in the near future).
“In your life you might find something that’s your life work.
When you find it you’ll know it.
Stick with it. Don’t allow anyone to talk you out of it.
Shut out those negative people, who would try to talk you out of it,
or stand in your way.”
— Ray Bradbury
