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Holistic Medicine Series HANDOUT Thursday - April 16, 2009 *** Session #5 *** Holistic Thyroid Health & Support (these are my more detailed notes) Aumdoc (Richard J. Clofine, D.O.) 770-633-4257 aumdoc@aumdoc.com WWW.AUMDOC.COM (Opening Intention)
Thyroid Gland Physical Anatomy Energy Anatomy Physiologic Control of the Thyroid Gland & Thyroid Evaluation
Thyroid Hormones T4 (thyroxine) 3,5,3',5'-tetraiodothyronine T4 is converted to T3 in target tissues T3 is 3- to 5- fold more active than T4 Thyroglobulin >>> tyrosine + iodine >>> thyroxin Iodide is actively absorbed from the bloodstream by a process called iodide trapping, concentrated in the thyroid follicles to about thirty times its
Factors that can contribute to the inability to convert T4 to T3, including: . T3 (triiodothyronine) rT3 (reverse T3) Pituitary Hormones: TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) Hypothalamic Hormones: TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormones) Thyroxine Binding Globulin Thyroid Antibodies Iodine There's been a great deal of controversy among holistic and complementary practitioners regarding whether to supplement with iodine or
Excess Iodine can aggravate autoimmune thyroid conditions With hypothyroid conditions that are not autoimmune in nature, iodine-containing foods can actually help the thyroid function better. All of the hormones relate to the thyroid gland (comment on DHEA and Natural Progesterone) Hypothyroidism Risk Factors? Family history; personal history; treatment for hyperthyroidism (radioactive iodine, surgery, antithyroid drugs); thyroid cancer surgery;
Symptoms: (the most common cause of many of these symptoms is poor lifestyle) (>50%) weakness, fatigue, lethargy, cold intolerance, dry skin, decreased sweating, hair loss, inability to concentrate, memory loss,
(<50%) depression anorexia muscle cramps, muscle and joint pain, infertility, menorhagia and anovulation, carpal tunnel syndrome,
Clinical HypoThyroid Disease (abnormal lab is present) Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroiditis Graves Disease Associated autoimmune diseases Goiter If there is a deficiency of dietary iodine, the thyroid will not be able to make thyroid hormone leading to increased production of thyroid stimulating
Subclinical HypoThyroid Disease (normal lab is present): this condition is not accepted by conventional medicine
Broda Barnes Wilson’s Syndrome Metabolic treatment of chronic fatigue (http://www.drlowe.com/)
Hyperthyroidism Clinical Graves Disease Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. It most commonly affects the thyroid, causing it to grow to twice its size or more (goiter), be overactive, with related hyperthyroid symptoms such as weight loss, frequent defecation, disturbed sleep, and irritability. It can also affect the eyes, causing bulging eyes (exophthalmos). It affects other systems of the body, including the skin and reproductive organs. It affects up to 2% of the female population, often appears after childbirth, and has a female:male incidence of 5:1 to 10:1. It has a strong hereditary component; when one identical twin has Graves' disease, the other twin will have it 25% of the time. Smoking is associated with the eye manifestations but not the thyroid manifestations. Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of symptoms, although thyroid hormone tests may be useful, particularly to monitor treatment. (WIKEPEDIA)
Medication Excess Subclinical (?) Thyroid Nodules Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Evaluation Physician Relationship (who should you see for evaluation?) Conventional Physician (endocrinologist or general practice) Integrative Physician Alternative Practitioner Signs & Symptoms Temperature - Normal axillary body temperature is between 97.4 and 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below that are suggestive of low thyroid. Lab Evaluation
Thyroid Antibodies (anti-peroxidase, anti-thyroglobulin) Iodine Patch Test (reference #3) From the published data, the skin iodine patch test is not a reliable method to assess whole body sufficiency for iodine. Many factors play a role in the disappearance of the yellow color of iodine from the surface of the skin. For example, if iodine is reduced to iodide by the skin, the yellow color of iodine will disappear because iodide is white. In order to regenerate iodine on the skin, one needs to apply an oxidant such as hydrogen peroxide, complicating the test further. Th evaporation of iodine from the skin increases with increased ambient temperatures and decreased atmospheric pressure due to weather conditions and altitude. For example, the yellow color of iodine will disappear much faster in Denver, Colorado at 5,000 feet above sea level then Los Angeles, California at sea level, irrespective of the amount of bioavailable iodine. The iodine/iodide loading test is much more accurate and it is now available from two laboratories: FFP Laboratories, 80 Doctors Dr., Suite 3, Hendersonville, NC 28292 Phone: 887-900-5556 / Fax: 828-684-3253 Doctor’s Data Inc., 3755 Illinois Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174, Phone: 800-323-2784 / Fax: 630-587-7860
Thyroid Medication Synthroid, Unithroid, Levoxyl, generic : Levothyroxine (synthetic stereoisomer of T4 with longer ½ life = QD dosing) Cytomel: Liothyronine (synthetic T3) Thyrolar: Levothyroxine + Liothyronine Armour / Naturethroid / Westhroid (USP dessicated natural thyroid) Porcine glandular (1 grain = 60 mg = 9 micrograms T3 + 38 micrograms T4 (80/20 as compared to the human 93/7) Compounded Thyroid Meds Natural T3 + T4 in slow release capsule (any way you want it)
Interference with thyroid medication absorption: Excessive soy intake or supplementation; Excessive dietary fiber; Iron supplements, Aluminum Hydroxide antacids, Calcium Supplements; Medications: Cholestyramine (Questran to lower cholesterol), Sucralfate (for ulcers), Kayexalate (for high K+) Inhibition of T4 >>> T3 conversion: Beta blockers and corticosteroids that only inhibit the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 interfere minimally with thyroid function test results; Lithium, Interferon alpha (for Hepatitis C); Cytochrome P-450 hepatic enzyme inducers (for example, rifampin, rifabutin, phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital) can increase the metabolic elimination of T4 and T3 by 20%, which is not clinically important in people who are euthyroid. Medications can alter thyroid function test results in euthyroid people
West J Med. 2000 February; 172(2): 102–106. Alternative Thyroid Therapies Supplements Iodine -- diet and kelp (225 microgram per tablet kelp in one supplement). Soil is very iodine depleted in most areas today. Foods that contain iodine are yogurt, eggs, meat, fish and other seafood, radish, parsley, potatoes, oatmeal and bananas. Selenium -- Many people diagnosed with hypothyroidism were found to be selenium deficient.Selenium is required to convert the T4 thyroid hormone to the active T3 form. Also a good antioxidant at 200 micrograms daily. Tyrosine – amino acid source for thyroid hormone production. 500mg twice a day on an empty stomach Bladderwrack = kelp Coconut Oil – Medium Chain Triglycerides. : J Nutr. 2002 Mar;132(3):329-32. http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/132/3/329 Physiological effects of medium-chain triglycerides: potential agents in the prevention of obesity. St-Onge MP, Jones PJ. DHEA: Some researchers believe that supplementation with DHEA might assist in stimulating thyroid production and alleviating symptoms.
Herbs There are no herbs (plant chemicals) that contain thyroid hormone. Herbs may be helpful in supporting thyroi function
Influence of Diet
Goitrogenic foods: (these must be taken raw in large amounts over a prolonged period of time to cause a problem
Consume foods naturally high in B vitamins, such as whole grains, nuts, and seeds, and iodine (fish, seaweed, vegetables and root vegies)
Chlorine, fluorine, and fluoride are chemically related to iodine, and compete with it, blocking iodine receptors in the thyroid gland.
Energy Medicine Energy Body Fifth Chakra
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Homeopathy
Exercise, Yoga, Movement Therapies
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