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"I say to you: Sing of your anguish. Make a poem that unearths new treasures for us all." — James Cowan, Troubadour's Testament |
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An eclectic, cross cultural wheel for GARDEN PROTECTOR MEDICINE WHEEL that was written for my brother, Steven Clofine to use at the Garden Protector Parade in New York City.
EAST Ho INTI., HO! In the east the seed is planted, spring and the new day dawn. In the east two become one and fire of conception manifests. I CALL ON THE POWER OF THE SEED TO PROTECT OUR GARDENS!!! (reaching into the air) The seed is planted in the ground, to be nurtured and cherished, holding full potential for its life cycle. Here, the seeds planted have VISION unconditioned by past experience, an INNOCENT VISION that holds the potential for infinite paths to all future outcomes. The fire of life is held in a seed, representing pure potential. In the east fly birds over our city.. They fly high above the ground, seeing the big picture of the landscape. Their vision not blocked by the confusion of individual buildings and towers. Let me fly with the birds high above the landscape, high in the wind on Pachamama's breath SO THAT i might see the big picture of my life! I CALL ON THE POWER OF THE SEED TO PROTECT OUR GARDENS!!! (reaching into the air) HO! WINDS OF THE EAST BLOW THROUGH ME! HO!
Ho Pachamama, HO! Winds of the South, come and blow through me. In the South, the seed grows to a plant, pregnancy progresses, summer is here and our day is warmed by the sun.
Pachamama is under us all! She is the firm foundation on which our city lies. When the city dies, she will reclaim her skin. She loves us all, her life in every sidewalk crack, and crevice. Let us tread lightly as we ask her to compost our shit into rich fertile loam. The seed grows and the pregnancy progresses. This is about the NUTURING AND HEALING ENERGIES of Pachamama. Learning how to nurture our gardens. The gardens we grow our food in, and the garden of our life. Working to weed out that which hinders growth, and to cultivate those things and people make the garden of our life more fertile, and a better place to be. In the south new ideas and ways of being take shape and form, preparing to manifest as action in this world. In the south a great SERPENT is present. Let me learn to be as the snake, who is blessed to always be hugging mother earth as it moves through its day. HO! GREAT SERPENT, come and wrap your coils of light around me. HO! Let me learn to shed my skin, as you do, and become anew. Ho great serpent. I CALL ON THE POWER OF PACHAMAMA TO PROTECT OUR GARDENS. HO! WINDS OF THE SOUTH COME AND BLOW THROUGH ME TONIGHT! WEST Ho! Winds of the West, come and blow through me!! My Blood is Water, water is my blood. I CALL UPON THE POWER OF WATER AND BLOOD TO PROTECT OUR GARDENS!!! Water is so gentle, conforming perfectly to all it encounters. Yet its persistence forms grand canyons. In the west, fresh ideas come to fruition and manifest.
A GREAT CAT runs with me in the west. Sometimes she sits at my side in times of great crisis. I can feel her muscled shoulder lean up against mine. I smell her heavy warm breath against my face and feel her rasplike tongue along the back of my neck. Ho! Otorongo! Newmoon time. A time of releasing. Releasing our fears, our pain, our anger and our mentrual blood. HO! WINDS OF THE WEST, COME AND BLOW THROUGH ME TONIGHT!
HO! WINDS OF THE NORTH, COME AND BLOW THROUGH ME TONIGHT! AIR IS MY BREATH AND MY BREATH IS AIR! My breath connects me to my life force and higher power. My breath is AUM. In the NORTH, the fruit of the harvest is stored for the cold days of winter. Dormancy is required for the new cycle to begin. The night sky brings blessed sleep and dreamtime. What blessings. Here we see the results of our manifest action. The NORTH holds SAGE WISDOM of all the ancient ones. Thank you grandmothers and grandfathers, those of blood and those of spirit! Here we find the wisdom of those who have traveled the wheel many times. Here we are bound to the DNA river, that we float along and that floats through us. In the NORTH flies a hummingbird that comes and floats around may head. I hear the buzz of its wings and catch the glimpse of color in the corner of my eye. The hummingbird teaches me about power and family. It has amazing strength in its vast migration on tiny wings. It fiercely defends its home and power spot, to keep it safe. HO! SAGE WIDOM OF THE NORTH, LET YOUR WINDS COME AND BLOW THROUGH ME!
(kneeling down to touch the earth....) HO! PACHAMAMMA, GAIA, MOTHER EARTH!!!! Pachamamma, you are always there to embrace us. You always are firm ground under my feet. When my feet stomp, you lovingly receive the blows be they stomps of anger or rejoicefull dancing. When tears flow from my eyes you absorb them all, be they tears of pain or ecstatic joy. You take the shit of my life and compost it into rich humus, to use to fertilize the garden of my life. Through a crack in your skin tunnel down whirlwinds into the lower world, into shadow and mysterious things. Pachamamma!~help me to know how to embrace the shadow of my life. Your lower world holds all the healing plantpeople and stone people. The plants we grow for food and the wonderful healing herbs we sooth our pains with. The sacramental power plants that raise our spirit, and allow us to know the divine within. The crystals and stones we hold near to us, to make us near to you. In the lower world run my animal spirits, totems and tutelaries. Let me more and more learn to connect with them, and through them with you. All your powerful support. Thank you mother, HO PACHAMAMMA!!!!!! MIDDLE WORLD (standing and looking in the eyes of those around you.......) I am so gratefull for this middle world we live in together. For the grace and blessing of this body. It is good to 'be in the meat' together. So we might look into each others eyes and feel one anothers touch and know the divine that threads us together. So we might meet at the fire and hold space for transformation to occur in our lives... HO! Each an individual flower that require different things to fully blossom. Each flower with different fragrance and shape and colors and textures. All drawn together in this world, into a beautiful garland, connected by the uniting thread of divine love. When climbing the mountain together, there are times when you push me, and other times when i pull you. Sacred reciprocity, AYNI ((pronounced I-knee)). Let us grow and walk together. UPPER WORLD (standing tall, looking up with the left palm stretched to the sky ((receiving))... As we flow through the universe on our beloved Pachamamma, we honor the mysteries above, as below. As we each understand it, we call on the mysteries of the upper world to come into our lives. To bring us more in alignment with our higher power and true nature. oh GREAT SPIRIT... You who are known by many names and whose name is our life force. Let us recognize your grace and blessings all around us, in all parts of our lives. To all the ascended masters, spiritual guides, angelic forces, starbeings and otherworldly divine forces..... we invite you into our lives and around our fire tonight! Help us to embrace the mystery of our lives, the mystery defined by birth and death. Help us know our lightbodies. Help us to stoke the inner furnace of our heartfire, and spread that warmth to others. Thank you GREAT SPIRIT! HO
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