Aumdoc (Richard J. Clofine, DO) 770-633-4257
aumdoc@aumdoc.com www.aumdoc.com
Session 1: Overview and Setting Sacred Space (2/10/09) canceled
Session 2: Mesa & Medicine Bag (2-24-09)
Read the article "URBAN SHAMAN?"
Topics of Interest
Shamanism viewed cross-culturally: Core Shamanism
Urban shaman OR Urban shamanist
Why study it (why are YOU here)?
- Resonance
- Helpful to self or others
- Interesting and/or fun
- Reconnection & Re-enchantment
- “The Mystery” – to answer questions OR to dance with it more gracefully (?)
Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
Connection and Re-enchantment
Pachamama --- Nature --- Plants --- Animals --- Stones
Initiation and The Wounded Healer Archetype
Healing & Curing --- Hurting & Cursing
Setting Sacred Space
Preparation: Aligning Diversity and Creating Flow
Opening --- Invocation
Ritual – Infusing Intent Through Action
Clearing --- Cleansing --- Infusing
Mesa and Medicine Bag
A Personal Safe Space Infused with Your Medicine
Personal Cauldron for Your Alchemical Process of Transformation
Developing Deeper Connections to Lineage & Non-ordinary Helpers (totems and spiritguides)
Archetypal ground containing Tools of Transformation
Worth Exploring
Visionary Art
Medicine Bag
Non-ordinary states (start with your breath; get grounded first so you have a good baseline to journey from)
The Natural World
Your Personal Medicine (Stone Medicine & Plant Medicine)
Animal Totems
When we met I promised to supply you with a reorganization of the resources, with personal comments including local training opportunities.
The focus is on things I have personal experience with and additions will be made with each new session handout.
WANT TO LEARN MORE? - Nearby Training
Lisa Michaels
Natural Rhythms Institute
In Atlanta.
Lisa is an amazing Priestess and Medicine Woman. Her work is exquisite and surrounded by a great community! Any training you take from Natural Rhythms Institute will be an asset to your life. Join her mailing list if you want to be connected to the Rhythms of the Natural World (moon passages, solstices, and equinoxes).
Oscar Miro Quesada’s
The Heart Of The Healer Foundation
http://www.mesaworks.com/ http://www.heartofthehealer.org/about_us/home.php
Community and training in Atlanta.
Oscar has an active world wide shamanic community and the weekend trainings are very enjoyable. An eclectic approach with strong traditional lineage to North Coastal Peruvian Shamanism. The Qollasuyu is their Southeastern US community which is active in the Atlanta area, contacts on their website
Michael Harner’s
Foundation For Shamanic Studies
Classes occasionally held in Atlanta.
Their introductory course to Shamanic Journeying is very helpful and I see Dana Robinson is teaching it in Atlanta THIS COMING WEEKEND (2/28/09).
Charla and Tarwater’s
In nearby Alabama.
These are major Medicine Keepers in the Native American Tradition, carried in an eclectic way as evidenced by the totally amazing Sun Bear Medicine Wheel built on their land. This is the place for training, community, pipe carriers, sweats and the best vibes possible. Any involvement you have here (nearby in Alabama) will come back to you many fold.
Alberto Villoldo’s
Four Winds Society
Check out Alberto’s “Shamanic University”
Atlanta Unity Church, 3597 Parkway Lane, Norcross, 30092
Contact Sadie George (sadie@thefourwinds.com or 435-647-5988)
The Shaman’s Way of Healing
Friday Evening, March 13th, 6:30 – 9:30, Cost $20
An Evening Lecture by Victoria Johnson
Senior Staff, Healing The Light Body School
Introduction to Healing The Luminous Body
Saturday, March 14th, 10am – 6pm, Cost $100
A Full Day Workshop Taught by Victoria Johnson
Senior Staff, Healing The Light Body School
Alex Grey
The Chapel Of Sacred Mirrors
Shamanic Visionary Art is a field that is expanding exponentially. First I would read Alex’s books SACRED MIRRORS and TRANSFIGURATIONS. I would also devour his website and contribute to the Chapel if your resources allow it. Start with his site and then explore the many visionary artists on the web.
Shaman’s Drum Magazine www.shamansdrum.org (My Favorite!)
Magic Hoop Magazine www.sacredhoop.org (Britain’s Version)
SINGING TO THE PLANTS: Shamanism & the Medicine Path
a blog by Steve Beyer http://singingtotheplants.blogspot.com/
My favorite blog about Shamanism... wise, fascinating and informative.
THE BEST!!! Go there, read everything and send in an donation!
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
Scientific studies of plants and drugs with shamanic implications.
The Qero Nation (read anything you can about them).
Some Books that influenced me...
THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN by Michael Harner, HarperSanFrancisco, 1980 http://www.shamanism.org/
The first book to clearly define Cross-Cultural Shamanism, excellent. The Foundation for Shamanic Studies teaches a great introductory weekend course for anyone interested in learning the skills of Shamanic Journey.
SOUL RETRIEVAL,Mending the Fragmented Self by Sandra Ingerman, HarperSanFrancisco,
Sandra was a student of Michael Harner and has many interesting books worth reading.
THE ANDEAN CODEX by James Williams, O.M.D. http://www.andeancodex.com http://www.drjewilliams.com
I highly recommend James’s book as a great adventure tail that clearly defines the fundamentals of Andean Shamanism in the lineage of the Qero Nation in Peru. Read anything you can about the Qero, online or in text. James is a great ritualist and teacher I am slowly getting to know better.
Oscar Miro Quesada and The Heart of The Healer Foundation http://www.mesaworks.com/ http://www.heartofthehealer.org/about_us/home.php
Don Oscar is an amazing person worth getting to know. He has written no books relying on the oral lineage of transmission. He is an fantastic ceremonialist and is quite amusing. His transmission of The Pachacuti Mesa is one of the most accessible shamanic training styles available to the urban dweller. Check out www.mesaworks.com
PERUVIAN SHAMANISM The Pachacuti Mesa by Matthew Magee; Middlefield Publications, 2002
While Don Oscar is not writing about it, a very wise young man with powerful medicine describes the work here. Highly Recommended if you are interested in the mesa.
DANCE OF THE FOUR WINDS by Alberto Villoldo, PhD. http://www.thefourwinds.com/
Alberto is a Cuban born American anthropologist that is deeply connected to South American shamanism, including The Qero Nation. He is a great writer and I have enjoyed all his books. His shamanic training organization is The Four Winds Instituted an is organized as a 'university'. I worked with Alberto over a two year period in the 1990’s.
MAPS TO ECSTASY, Teachings of an Urban Shaman by Gabrielle Roth with John Loudon http://www.gabrielleroth.com/
Gabriel Roth teaches shamanism with dance and movement. This book had a huge influence on my understanding of bringing shamanic teachings practically into an urban life. Other books and music are great. If you ever get a chance to dance with her, get off your ass and go!
URBAN SHAMAN by Serge Kahili King, PhD. Simon & Schuster, http://www.huna.org/
Interesting perspective from a Hawaiian Medicine Person (Kahuna).
SHAMANIC VOICES; A Survey of Visionary Narrative by Joan Halifax,1969
SHAMAN; The Wounded Healer by Joan Halifax; Thames and Hudson, 1982
Joan Halifax, who is now a Buddhist Roshi (teacher), wrote these two excellent books.
The first is a collection of translated narratives by indigenous shaman’s, drawn from world literature;
in their own words, so to speak. The second is an oversized illustrated book about ‘the wounded healer’ archetype.
POWER ANIMAL MEDITATIONS Shamanic Journeys with Your Spirit Allies by Nicki Scully 1991
Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small by Ted Andrews
I like both these books on Power Animals and use them frequently.
GLOBAL RITUALISM Myth and Magic Around the World by Denny Sargent; Llewellyn Publications, 1994
SACRED CEREMONY,How to Create Ceremonies for Healing, Transitions and Celebrations
by Steven D. Farmer PhD; Hay House, 2002
THE CEREMONIAL CIRCLE, Practice, Ritual, and Renewal for Personal and Community Healing
by Sedonia Cahill & Joshua Halpern, HarperSanFrancisco, 1992
Interested in eclectic ritual and ceremony? These 3 books all helped me a lot.
SHAMANISM, An Expanded View of Reality compiled by Shirley Nicholson, A Quest Book, 1987
TRAVELING BETWEEN WORLDS; Conversations with Contemporary Shamans by Hillary S. Webb,
Hampton Roads, 2004 http://hillaryswebb.com/
These two books are conversations with Contemporary Shamans’s, indigenous and eclectic.
Only fair.
