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Holistic Clinical Protocols are sources of information on options only. They DO NOT define a treatment plan for any individual person, that is always determined in clinical consultation with a caregiver. HOLISTIC PROTOCOL FOR UTERINE FIBROIDS Richard J. Clofine, D.O., F.A.C.O.O.G. Uterine Fibroids are tumors (i.e. swellings) of the uterine wall that are almost always benign. They are extremely common. Autopsy studies show them to be present in up to 40% of women at the time of death. Just being present does not mean they cause any problems for the woman. The types of problems they can cause include:
Fibroids occur uterine wall muscle cells grow abnormally. Instead of the cells growing in a normal organized fashion, they grow out of control into a fibrous gristle like ball. Fibroids start with a single cell, and can grow to the size of a full term pregnancy. There can be a single fibroid or multiple fibroids present. They can be located in different areas of the uterus, each with different significance to the patient. Fibroids contain cancer less than 1% of the time and often this is indicated by unusually rapid growth. How fibroids impact a woman’s life depends on her individual combination of many factors including:
The natural history (i.e. how they usually act) of fibroids helps us to understand our holistic treatment protocol. Fibroids feed off estrogen hormone and tend to grow very slowly over time. At menopause, when estrogen is very low, fibroid tumors stop growing and sometimes reduce in size. They rarely, if ever, go away. Thus our holistic protocol includes many things to reduce this estrogen effect. Many of these options are based on good medical common sense, not medical studies. This is because most of these therapies have not been formally studied relative to fibroid tumors.
Many tools are available in addressing fibroid tumors. I believe most women can reduce symptoms and slow fibroid growth through the use of a Holistic Support Protocol. In my twenty years of experience, I have found that fibroid tumors are very dense, physically and energetically. My patients and I have had good success reducing symptoms with natural therapies though I have NOT seen fibroids completely dissolving and going away. In my experience completely resolving fibroid tumors is extremely rare. I feel obligated to point this out to patients so they can have proper expectations about their circumstances and care.
To effectively institute a holistic protocol, you need to see a holistic caregiver who is expert in your area of concern. Exactly what is recommended to you depends on your specific individual situation (i.e. “YOUR story”). It depends on all the factors listed above, and more. Any treatment protocol should be tailored to the individual woman’s situation. The protocol list that appears below provides some options that are often used in treating these issues. How these options are specifically implemented should be decided in partnership with your caregiver. This is not a cookbook list of things that every patient should to do.
Any time a therapeutic protocol is started, it is very important to make it practical so you can follow it consistently. Always set an appropriate time period at which time you can frankly and honestly reevaluate your progress. If you are making good progress than the protocol can be followed indefinitely. If symptoms are not resolving, or the fibroids are growing, then it is important to face that fact and layer on other options to address the issue. As a holistic physician, I know that all tools have risks, benefits and an appropriate time for their use. This is true for herbs and pharmacy medicines, as well as for bodywork and surgery. There is a time and place for everything.
There are circumstances in which surgeries, or other aggressive medical therapies, are indicated for fibroids. In general I feel this to be the case, when the care of the fibroid becomes a bigger energy drain on a women then surgical intervention would be. If severe bleeding, anemia, pelvic pain and inability to have sexual relations over many years plague a woman, and the issue is not resolving with appropriate holistic care, she should consider having surgery to resolve the situation. Surgery with a 4 to 6 week recuperation may be a better use of energy because the situation will then be resolved. Surgery is usually removal of the fibroid (“myomectomy”) or removal of the uterus (“hysterectomy”). Other interventions include Uterine Artery Embolization (a medical procedure to destroy blood flow to the fibroid forcing it to shrink) or strong pharmacy medications (e.g. Lupron), which temporarily shrink fibroids by causing temporary menopause and low estrogen levels. As with all methods (conventional or alternative) there are pros and cons to each tool which need to be evaluated in the context of your specific situation.
Energetically Fibroids may be associated with feelings of abandonment. This is about a loss of nurturing energy for a woman. It may start as a loss of nurturing by others and results in the woman not nurturing herself. Often times retained anger is involved. Very often this is associated with first and second chakra issues. Many women I know have identified these type issues as what they believe initiated their fibroid growth. It is my firm belief that many of these women have completely resolved the emotional wounding that initiated fibroid formation. Even so, fibroids are such dense energy that while the initiating factors have been resolved, the woman is still left with this dense physical manifestation, a fibroid tumor.
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