"Curriculum Vitae - Medical "
(A résumé; also called curriculum vitae or CV, is a document that contains a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education. --Wikepedia)
Richard J. Clofine, D.O., F.A.C.O.O.G., A.B.H.M.
Home: 2880 Hadrian Drive, Snellville, GA 30078
Family: divorced, 3 children & 1 grandchild
Birthdate: 2-22-53, Philadelphia, Pa
Resident of Atlanta, GA since 1989
Cellphone: 770-633-4257
Personal fax: 770-217-0614
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in BioMedical Science (6/77), Albright College, Reading, PA
Masters of Science (M.S.) in BioMedical Science (6/78), Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (7/82 - 6/83)
I received "The Ram's Head Award" for expertise in the field.
University of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery -
College of Osteopathic Medicine (now called Des Moines University)
Des Moines, IA
This one year clinical and academic predoctoral fellowship was taken in the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at my medical school in Des Moines, Iowa. This is the second oldest Osteopathic Medical School in the country (founded in 1898). I took a years specialty traning in Osteopathic Manipiulative Therapy (OMT) because I love hands on healing and considered a career within that field. My training involved seeing patients under the guidance of the clinical faculty, as well as teaching the first and second year medical students lectures and labs. Our medical school had a class of 180 students each year all of whom were required to pass their courses in OMT.
During this year I had the opportunity to work closely with my Osteopathic mentor, J. Gordon Zink, D.O. This was a full years specialty training on hands-on healing medicine I subsequently integrated into every aspect of my medical practice, in line with what I feel is TRUE OSTEOPATHIC PRACTICE.
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) (7/79 - 6/84)
University of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery -
College of Osteopathic Medicine
Des Moines, Iowa
Internship (7/83 - 6/84) a general rotating medical internship
Tulsa Regional Medical Center (now known as OSU Medical Center)
Tulsa, Oklahoma
During this year of general training in hospital medicine I was elected to serve as Chief Intern. We had 28 interns at a 550 bed acute care facility. My responsibilities included coordinationg all scheduling and serving as our intermediary with the medical staff and hospital administration.
Residency 7/84 - 6/89, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kennedy Memorial Hospitals - University Medical Center
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey -
School of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery
Stratford, Cherry Hill and Turnersville, New Jersey
This four year specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynecology was at a university affiliated 3 hospital system in southern New Jersey. I served as Chief Resident in my senior year.
Continuing Medical Education: Ongoing to meet the requirements of my Geogia Medical Licensure, my American
Osteopathic Association membership and my Board Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Suburban OB - GYN Associates, (7/89 – practice closed 9/95)
Tucker and Snellville, GA
former associate: Christian Geltz, D.O., F.A.C.O.O.G.
Atlanta Center for Obstetrics & Gynecology, P.C.
Full practice of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Lotus Ob-Gyn, P.C. (12/95 – practice closed 10/2001)
3970 Five Forks Trickum Road, Suite A
Lilburn, GA 3024
This was my private solo practice of holisticObstetrics & Gynecology. I was very busy and medicine was rapidly changing. I designed my office's physical structure around a medicine wheel. I was on staff of 3 hospitals though mostly delivered and operated at Emory Eastside Medical Center. It was pretty typical for an Ob-Gyn practice; I saw 25 women a day, assisted 15 deliveries a month and operated 2 mornings a week. Due to MANY reasons I closed this practice in 2001.
Note: I discontinued practicing hospital medicine (obstetrics and surgery) in 2001.
Since that time I practice office holistic gynecology focusing on wellness and menopause.
Millennium Healthcare / Holisticare (11/2001 to present)
4370 Georgetown Square, Atlanta, GA 30338
Contact: Karen Vaughn (practice manager) 770-390-0012
I am very pleased to be practicing at Atlanta's largest holistic group practice Millennium Healthcare in Dunwoody. My practice here is the continuation of my Ob-Gyn practice over the last 20 years in Atlanta. This is an office practice where the main focus is wellness and menopause care. I also offer Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy.
Dr. Smith’s Get Thin Program (2/08 to present)
5920 Roswell Road, Suite A-205, Atlanta, GA 30328
1960 Riverside Parkway, Suite 107, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
440 Barrett Parkway, Suite 61, Kennesay, GA 30144
Contact: Leslie Spitzer (practice manager) 678-464-6399
This is a conventional physician supervised weight loss practice with 4 locations and a 20 year history of serving Atlanta. The program is based on calorie restriction, counseling (always holistic in my hands), activity and prescription apetite suppressants. I am very pleased to have this position that provides me a salary, paid vacation and full benefits while working 3 1/2 days a week.
New Bodywork, Healing and Teaching Practice at Harmony Learning Center in Decatur, GA
HOSPITAL PRIVILEGES (I discontinued hospital medicine in 2001)
Northlake Regional Medical Center, 1455 Montreal Road, Tucker, GA 30247
(7/1989 to 3/2001)
Emory Eastside Medical Center, 1700 Tree Lane Road, Snellville, GA 30278
(7/1989 to 3/2001)
Dekalb Medical Center, 2701 N. Decatur Road Decatur, GA 30033
(6/1993 to 3/2001)
Northlake Regional Medical Center, Tucker, GA
Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (7/93 - 6/94)
Elected Chief of Medical Staff (7/94 - 6/96)
Member Medical Executive Committee (7/94 - 6/98)
Chairman, Education & Osteopathic Principles Committee (7/96 - 6/98)
Proctor for Medical Student, interns and resident training in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1990-2000)
Board Certification in Ob-Gyn (F.A.C.O.O.G.)
American Osteopathic Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology, October 29, 1994 to present certificate #679
Board Certification in Holistic Medicine (A.B.H.M.)
American Board of Holistic Medicine, December 2000 to present.
I have 20 years experience practicing Holistic Medicine.
Current Professional Memberships
American Osteopathic Association
Georgia Osteopathic Medical Association
American College of Osteopathic Obstetrics and Gynecology
Community Activities
Volunteer, Gwinnett Community Free Clinic (1991 to 2002)
Member, R.D. Head Elementary and Five Forks Middle School P.T.A. (6 years)
