Information on Dr. Clofine's Holistic Medical Practice
at Millennium Healthcare in Dunwoody, GA
About Dr. Clofine
- Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1994)
- Board Certified in Holistic Medicine (2001)
- Practicing medicine in Atlanta for 18 years
- 13 years as surgeon at 3 local hospitals including delivering 1800 babies
- Served as Chairman of Ob-Gyn Department and elected Chief of Medical Staff
- An Osteopathic Physician utilizing hands on manipulative therapy for 25 years.
- Interest in natural healing and energy medicine spans 35 years (spent 5 years as Organic Farmer)
Medical Services Provided at Millennium Healthcare in Dunwoody
- Well woman (annual) gynecology exams with pap smears
- Practice is office based (no hospital medicine) with lengthy patient visits
- Drug-free support programs (lifestyle, supplements, herbs, alternative therapies, etc.)
- BioIdentical Hormone Replacment (18 years experience)
- Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy
- 25 years experience in hands on healing bodywork
- Seeing women of any age, for all gynecology problems including...
- pap smear problems, chronic vaginal infections, vulvodynia, menstrual period problems (irregularity and pain), PMS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocytic breasts, contraception, osteoporosis, etc.
- Serves as Primary Care Physician for many of his patients
- See's many patients seeking a 'second opinion' about prior care and surgery recommendations
In practicing holistic medicine, Dr. Clofine strives to consider what resonates with the patient and to stay open to the entire spectrum of healing tools (integrating conventional and alternative medical options). He is excellent at creating new options in difficult situations. Dr. Clofine is invested in women doing better and understands there are many ways of creating health. He is known for his care-full communication and satisfactory time spent with patients.
About Insurance and Fees
- Dr. Clofine is an "out-of-network" insurance provider (meaning he is not contracted with your insurance company); he is not a Medicaid or Medicare provider.
- If provided for in your policy we will file for "out-of-network" insurance benefits
- Our office staff will precertify your visit (call your insurance company and find out if you have out-of-network benefits)
- Any fees not covered by out-of-network benefits are collected at the time of service
Here are some samples of office fees for Dr. Clofine's services (does not include pap smear or lab)
Range of New Annual Exam fees
Range of New Problem Visit fees
Range of follow up visit fees
Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (1/2 hour for $85)
More personal information about Dr. Clofine
